How to save money on Christmas decorations

Autumn is always the time of year that I start to think ahead to Christmas. If truth be told, I actually start planning ahead in January by stashing money away regularly, but Autumn is the time that I start to think about how we’ll decorate the house, what presents we’ll be buying, what our budget is, and who we’ll be inviting round for Christmas lunch.

As a money-saver, I always like to look for ways to save a little cash whilst still ensuring that we have lovely things around us at Christmas time. I love to see the house decorated with beautiful twinkly lights, a traditional tree, and lots of sparkle.

Save money on Christmas decorations

Christmas is such a magical time of year, and it’s only natural that we want our homes to reflect that. A beautiful tree, covered in tasteful decorations and a table set with festive cheer, really can make all the difference. But we don’t need to spend a fortune in order to make our homes feel full of the Christmas spirit.

How to save money on Christmas decorations

These top tips will help you to save money on Christmas decorations, without scrimping on that all important festive vibe.

Re-use your old decorations

It’s an old saying, but if it ain’t broke, why fix it?

It’s always a good idea to go through your old Christmas decorations BEFORE you head out to buy new ones. If they’ve been stashed away in the loft or the garage for most of the year, then the chances are that you’ve forgotten about more than half of what you’ve actually got. Christmas decorations can become a family tradition, and there’s actually nothing nicer than seeing the same decorations year after year, they’re soaked in memories of happy times which is what Christmas is all about.

Be selective

You may feel like you do need to upgrade some of your decorations. But don’t be fooled into buying all the cheapest stuff you can find. A few tasteful and well-made ornaments will look far nicer, and last much longer, than some of the cheaper stuff. Investing in a few, carefully selected decorations, could actually help you to save money on Christmas decorations.

Make your own

If you’re crafty, then making your own Christmas decorations could save you a fortune. Rope the children in to help too – there’s nothing nicer than sitting down and making stuff together as a family.

Paper streamers are easy to make, as are snowflakes and even baubles! You can find loads of great ideas on Pinterest and there are some beautiful Christmas ribbon designs you can use too.

Homemade Christmas

Be ahead of the game

OK, so this won’t be any use for this Christmas, but the January sales are the absolute best time to get one step ahead and grab some incredible bargains ready for next year. This is a great way to save money on Christmas decorations. You don’t even need to be one of those people queuing at the shop doors at 5am on boxing day either. There are lots of retailers online who offer amazing discounts on Christmas decorations immediately after the big day is done. If you’re quick enough, you could even get some use out of them before the decorations go away in January.


No matter how hard we try, Christmas is inevitably going to cost us money. Saving on unnecessary spending can make a huge difference to your January bank balance. There’s nothing worse than scraping through the first month of the year, regretting over-spending and telling yourself you’ll be more organised next year. Budgeting for Christmas throughout the year, and saving money on Christmas purchases, is the only way to ensure that January isn’t all doom and gloom.

*This is a collaborative post.

How to save money on Christmas decorations