Why you shouldn't be afraid to contact HMRC!

There are a few things in life that seem to bring an overwhelming sense of dread and doom into the majority of our lives. Tax and HMRC definitely fall into that category for many of us. But if you’re organised, and keep on top of your incomings and outgoings, then dealing with your tax return and contacting HMRC shouldn’t be something to worry about.

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I’ll be the first to agree, paying tax isn’t fun! But, it’s something that we all have to accept and take responsibility for. If you’re employed, then the chances are that your dealings with HMRC will be few and far between. However there are still plenty of occasions when you may need to contact them – a tax rebate, updating your details, adding allowances such as marriage allowance, and much more. If you’re self-employed, then you’ll be filing your tax return annually and there are plenty of reasons why you might need to contact HMRC.

Why you shouldn't be afraid to contact HMRC!

Taking the stress out of contacting HMRC

Firstly, organisation is key! I’ve learnt my lesson the hard way when it comes to panicking over completing my tax returns over the last few years. Last year, I lost my Government Gateway log in details and had to wait AGES for a new one to arrive in the post, because obviously I’d also forgotten my passwords for the online retrieval systems HMRC have in place. This year, I’ve made sure all my log in details are kept securely.

Don’t leave everything until the last minute. Again, something I’m inevitably guilty of year after year! Although I did file my return with a week to spare this time round – #winning!

Make use of the tools and calculators available on the HMRC website. They are there to help you and they really can help to ease the stress of dealing with anything tax-related. I’ve used the tax credits calculator a number of times when our income has changed and it’s usually been pretty accurate.

Don’t be afraid to Talk Tax!

Contact Numbers UK have launched a fantastic campaign aimed at encouraging people to TALK ABOUT TAX! Through their #LetsTalkTax campaign, they want to encourage you to pick up the phone and contact HMRC when you need to. I have to say I think this is a fantastic campaign. I think we need to banish the thought that HMRC are something to be scared of. I’ve had to contact them a number of times throughout my adult life, and not once have I needed to be concerned.

As we approach the end of yet another financial year, it’s a great time to get on top of your taxes. Don’t be afraid to contact HMRC to discuss any tax return implications or rebates you feel you may be owed.


In collaboration with Contact Numbers UK.